NAME: Darius Lavoice Carlos

Missing Since: August 6, 2024

Age: 46 Sex:

Male Race: Black

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Weight: 200

Height: 6’0″

Additional Information: On August 6th, 2024, Darius Lavoice Carlos was reported missing by his wife. Carlos was released from the Rockdale County Jail on August 3rd, 2024. Carlos does have a cell phone; however, it has been turned off or drained of battery, and he is believed to have last been wearing black pants and brown shoes with an unknown shirt color. Carlos does have Schizophrenia and is believed to have not taken his medication.

Anyone with information concerning the whereabouts of Darius Lavoice Carlos is asked to contact Sergeant Dylan Hinds.

Contact: Sergeant Dylan Hinds 770-278-8160 / 470-835-5970 [email protected]